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A Red to Ruin: Pompeii found poems & art by Stuart Buck


found poems* & art


Stuart Buck

some dreadful bodies/our disaster at the seashore

the emperor continued singing

until he had finished his song

it is likely that we’re caught

and that all of us will die

things left behind

prevailing winds in Campania

remnants of autumnal fruits

wine fermenting jars

across the bay but in the shallows

rockfall rockfall rockfall

the hunt

they elected to take to the fields

with pillows tied to their heads

how the slave escaped

remains a mystery


*found poem text is taken from the wikipedia page 'eruption of vesuvius'

Stuart Buck is a visual artist and award winning poet living in North Wales. His art has been featured in several online and print journals as well as gracing the covers of several books. His third poetry collection 'Portrait of a Man on Fire' is coming November 2020. When he is not writing or reading poetry, he likes to cook, juggle and listen to music. You can commission him to make you something lovely by contacting him via twitter - @stuartmbuck

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