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'New cloth' / 'Shellfish Lovers'

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

New cloth

Your pattern pinned itself to the fray of me

the first day. Not yet stitched, aligning

fragile tissue, judging bias - the wounded

cut carefully

always holding their breath.

When they remade you, I slept

on a hospital couch with your dress, bundled

like a woolen heart, to my nose. Five hours

inhaling-exhaling bargains

a short time to outfit a whole woman

into her own dear self.

We tied knots with every colour we could find.

Understand, love always gets down to the wisp

beyond fabric, to stroke

the finest thread of a person - our making looms

us legacies of holes -

you fear cutting yourself short, me

born running with scissors, and all of us

rippling fast towards the great unravelling

Yet the great thumping treadle of a heart can still say

now you’re mending - billow with the wind.

~ Ankh Spice

Shellfish Lovers

Morning splits a faint pink line, gulls horning

the sky’s mouth wider

you still sandflea, curled greedy around sleep

hoarding empty shells, bonfired, and me still full

of yesterday. Old devourings forgotten, my hands rough-memory

for new shucked jewels – yours atop mine with their knack

stab – twist – crack

A careful blade gentles in before you know you’re harvested. I have woken

glistening jelly, fresh-seen -

open to the cool brine of a new day

~ Ankh Spice


Ankh Spice is a sea-obsessed poet from Aotearoa / New Zealand, who really does believe that narrative can change the world. He has recent work published in Black Bough Poetry, Burning House Press, and Pixel Heart Magazine, and upcoming poems in Moonchild Magazine, The Failure Baler, and others. You can find him on Twitter @SeaGoatScreams or on Facebook @AnkhSpiceSeaGoatScreamsPoetry.

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