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Sub Call: Issue 6 ::: LOVE theme


UPDATE: This submission call is CLOSED. You can read the Love issue here. Please check our submission guidelines if you are seeking to submit during an open call. Thank you for your interest in being part of Rhythm & Bones!

Yesterday was my first year marriage anniversary with my husband after spending two years dating long distance in different countries. I recently started writing about our love story, so my mind has been on LOVE lately. An excerpt from my work in progress:

"I’ve been thinking a lot about what bonds people together. These invisible strings that keep people as partners, as friends, as lovers. They come in the shape of memories and connections with people despite all distances; people from all walks of life, all different experiences. I’m always fascinated by the glue that holds people together, no matter how far apart.

It helps sometimes to remember all the obstacles I have faced to find love, to bring my love across an ocean to live with me and to look back on all that has kept us together, even when we felt like worlds apart.

When we trace the invisible strings that connect two people, we find they weave together, these bonds that cannot be seen by the eye but are felt by the heart, linking two people despite living countries apart. We learned that it doesn’t matter how far apart we live, love still grows and exists. There is something to be said about the saying distance makes the heart grow fonder and when we were together, I felt we never truly appreciated those moments the way we wanted to when we were so far, dreaming of being close."

What does love mean to you? We all speak in our own love languages, and when we partner with someone, we must learn how to listen to how they speak in their own love language.

Issue 6 will be focused on the theme of LOVE.

Love can mean all sorts of things to someone. There is unrequited love; first love; fake love. Give us your dark devotions, your crystalline dreams of love. Give us your shattered love or your wholesome love. We want it all! Most of all: have fun! Can’t wait to see it. xo

Please send as a Word doc to with a short bio in the body of your email, your pronouns, and any social media handles we can use to help promote your work if accepted. All general submission guidelines apply to this. Please take a moment to review them before submitting. Thank you!

Deadline for Issue 6 is Sept. 20th, 2019. We reserve the right to close submissions earlier if we are at capacity.

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