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Editor's Note - Issue 4: Thin Lines

Letter from the Editor

Hi lovely Rhythm & Bones readers,

We wouldn't be here without you, and my utmost gratitude abounds for you all. You have made me believe in things I never thought possible, and we are nearing our first anniversary since we started doing this - the most rewarding experience of my life. I love reading everyone's work, learning the amazing writers we have in this wonderful community. Thank you, each and every one of you.

Issue Four is launching at a time where we are steadily growing as a small press, as well, but we still have just as much love and passion for where we started, and that is with this: these issues, packed full of talents and insights, chilling tales, emotive poetry, and always - that rhythmic love for words, the silky velvet imagery we see in all of these works... the sound of your heart beating as you write these words, which mean so much. The pairing-down-to-the-bones writing. We also did something a little different for this issue and featured a piece of longer fiction, a little over 3k words. It might be something we incorporate moving forward. The most exciting thing is watching this mag and press evolve and looking ahead.

We have many exciting things in store and are thrilled to bring to you Issue Four: Thin Lines. As always, there seems to be a theme that emerges from the works we've included and those thin lines we edge on, we exist on, we thrive in. We adored Mela Blust's poem 'thin lines' which is where we took the title from. Her lines, 'it is the thin lines that separate / what we were from / what we have become' spoke to us deeply of these thing lines we create between the past and the present, who we knew ourselves to be and who we are now. This says a lot in the way of healing, too, and as always we strive to support and feature work that has a tone of survival and overcoming. We hope you will enjoy this issue and please don't forget to support all the writers included - check out more of their work, explore them, learn them, and devour this issue for all its beauty.

Please also take the time to check out 6 pieces of artwork from Russ Daum in our Artistic Study. He is the illustrator of our upcoming collaboration this June, A Victorian Dollhousing Ceremony, a poetic opera collab between three poets: myself, Kristin Garth, and Justin Karcher. We are thrilled to release this fantastical collection of poetry that was so much fun to create and owe a lot to Russ for the absolutely stunning and beautiful images he created to go along with our poems. He is a very talented artist and we are honored to feature him.

We also look forward to offering you a delicacy with our next issue: HUNGER themed. We are still reviewing submissions for this, we appreciate everyone's patience and hope to let you know soon. The issue will be coming this summer, due in July. We can't thank everyone enough for the endless support. Your enthusiasm keeps us going.

Much love & light to every one of you,




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