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Letter from the Editor

 "Out of the Darkness" by Sulyn Godsey 

Letter from the Editor 

The past few months have been a whirlwind for us, and we are beyond pleased and proud to bring you Issue Three. We weren’t quite sure we would make it to the end of the year, but here we are: strong as ever; stronger, even. Our passion and motivation have not flickered out, if anything they have grown. Many things have happened in the past year, lots of time was wasted for us with our recent fiasco, but many discoveries were made in the process. We find ourselves reflecting on everything that has occurred for us, everything we have created. The most weighted accomplishment for us has been the creation of You Are Not Your Rape (YANYR ), our anthology speaking out against sexual abuse and assault and giving voice to survivors and their onlookers and supporters. We are endlessly grateful and moved by the reception this work has received and have to thank Kristin Garth for her co-editing efforts and making this into reality.

For our Issue Three, we are honored to highlight numerous talented writers, again giving voice to both emerging and established writers and shedding light on how trauma can be turned into art. How writing can act as an art of healing. We are excited to feature Kate Garrett as our exclusive interview, discussing her widespread published work, her life as an editor and mother, as well as her forthcoming full-length collection which we are publishing in April 2019.

We also have a special poem published here, honoring my sister-in-law, Michelle Hansen, who wrote a stunning poem for my recent wedding to her brother this past September. This was one of the greatest things to happen in the past year, getting married to my best friend. Michelle is a wonderful writer and this is her first publication. I hope everyone will give her a warm welcome. 

This is also the first issue in which we have chosen to highlight a photographer for our Creative Study, and we are moved by the work of Fabrice Poussin, who we were originally hoping to include in YANYR, but due to the image quality and format of the anthology, we were happier to give him a highlight as his work deserves. We hope you will enjoy this issue as much at the others that have come out, and as always, be conscious and gentle with yourselves as some of these pieces deal with the darker sides of human nature and deep subjects which some may find disturbing and upsetting. We noticed, however, that there are a number of pieces in this issue which take a more light-hearted tone, and while this wasn’t intentional, it fits the tone of entering the new year well, and coming out on the other side of chaos.

With much love, light, and adoration, we give to you our Issue Three: Breakfast Alone.


Tianna G. Hansen

Founder, Editor-in-Chief

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