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Without Fences

"Multiple Stops, Endless Possibilities" photo by Neel Trivedi

Without Fences

we are the want of the calf for milk

hungry for a place to roam

an oven full of bread

dough kneading

between the maker’s hands

honey in the deepest hue


light along the shoreline

the distance between

where you are now

and where you long to be


Mary is a writer and artist living in the middle of Michigan. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in Counseling. Her work is forthcoming in Sugar House Review, Artful Dodge, tinywords, formercactus, and elsewhere. Follow her on Twitter @marybhanrahan

Neel TrivediNeel Trivedi is a freelance journalist and in the advertising business in Dallas, TX. His work has been featured Drabblez Magazine, Mojave Heart Review, Chronos Anthology and the upcoming Drabbledark II Anthology. He his currently working on his first novel. He can be reached on Twitter @Neelt2001.

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