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Woman Burning

"Dancing Flames" by Sulyn Godsey

Woman Burning

by Sulyn Godsey

i am woman in pain.

burned for my desires

burning with a passion

that no man is willing to share.

it singes the finger of his hand

as he touches my womb.

in fear he turns away

never to return

never to understand

the constant burning


he ties my hands to a stake

so i may not reach out.

he burns me for my insight

i am burned for understanding.


for speaking my mind

in search of peace.

my ancestors were burned for their religion

as too

the women of witchcraft

which i choose as relations.

women dancing under the full moon


that the fire they danced around

could someday engulf them.


is such a high cost risk.

people sit silent

and listen to the crackling flames

of their burning needs.


they watch the pain

inside the questioning eyes

burning with desire.

a fire

is not silent.



i cry out

to those who watch

the fateful flames

of woman


speaking out

for freedom.


Sulyn Godsey has been writing poetry since she was very young. She has recently begun to enjoy photography as well. She is happily married and is the mother of 2 grown daughters. She works as a Student Assistance Liaison, assessing students of all ages for mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues. She and her husband own a small farm in Pennsylvania where they have a large garden, fruit trees, berry bushes, and raise their own pigs for food.

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